Dominio Tema WP Documentation
1. Requirements
- PHP 5.6 or higher.
2. Installation
- Unzip the package you have downloaded upon purchase.
- Login to your WordPress administration back-end and navigate to Appearance → Themes → Add New, click the Browse cms_button. Select the file from the package. Once upload is complete you should not activate the theme. Go back to the Add New page and upload the file as well, this file contains the child theme that you should use. Once upload is complete, either click the Activate this theme link, or go to the Themes page, find the Domain Child theme and click its Activate cms_button.
- Upon activation you will see some instructions at the top of the page regarding the plugins you need to install as well, just click the links and you will have those installed too.
- Create a new page and call it "Available Domains" or something like that, change its "Template" from "Default" to "Front Page", then navigate to Settings → Reading and make that page your home page.
- That's it :) check your home page and make sure everything is fine.
- The widgets of the "This Domain Is For Sale" plugin should not be added to any widget area - nor those of the Advanced Contact Form plugin. Just enable the theme and you are all set.
- Upon installation of WordPress, some widgets are added to a widget area. You may want to remove these widgets to make your site look nicer. You can do it through Appearance → Widgets.
- Please do not modify any file from the "parent" theme which is in /wp-content/themes/domain; if you need to edit a file please use a child theme instead. The reason for this is that any change made to the files of the parent theme will be lost with the next theme update and\or a reinstall.
- If you need to add custom CSS and\or JavaScript, please do it with a plugin such as "Custom CSS & JS".
2.1 Plugins
- This Domain Is For Sale
This plugin adds "domain auction" functionality to this theme.
- Advanced Contact Form
Adds a contact form to the domain auction landing page. You can also use it for your "Contact us" page when the domain auction is not installed.
- Custom CSS & JS
Allows you to easily add custom CSS and JavaScript code to your site.
- Widget Logic
Makes it possible to limit widgets to certain domains or conditions set by server-side languages that your Web server is able to understand, such as PHP.
Some examples:
You may limit the visibility of a certain widget to by adding this piece of code or "logic" to the widget:
class_exists( 'Difs' ) && '' === Difs::$domainLimiting a widget to the main domain can be done with this code:
class_exists( 'Difs' ) && Difs::$domain_main === Difs::$domainFor complicated scenarios you'd need a little bit of PHP knowledge. If you need help on this you are more than welcome to contact our support via
2.2 Automatic updates
Before you begin: If you have either modified the parent theme, or if you have received a customized version from us, please contact support via attempting an update.
Your activation key: Automatic updates require an activation key, please visit to register your copy and receive your activation key - It's a small random string.
Follow these steps once you had the key:
- Login to your WordPress administration back-end.
- Go to Appearance → Domain Theme → Automatic Updates.
- Enter your activation key & enable the automatic updates.
- Save the configuration and you're done!
Now, every time there is an update available your WordPress will take care of it just like it takes care of updates for free themes and the WordPress core.
2.3 Manual update
Before you begin: If you have either modified the plugin (and\or a theme) or received a customized version from us, please contact us via attempting an update.
If you've purchased this plugin via WWW.HTMLPIE.COM you will receive updates via e-mail, other customers should download the latest version from the marketplace they have purchased the plugin from.
Once you had the latest version of the plugin, follow these steps to manually update your theme:
- Using a FTP client, or a Web-based tool like cPanel, create a backup of the themes folder at /wp-content/themes or your whole WordPress (especially if you have translation files under /wp-content/themes or /wp-content/languages),then delete the entire /themes/domain folder.
(Never use the "Delete" link of the Themes page! it will delete your customizations too. - Unzip the file (inside the downloaded ZIP package) and upload the /domain directory to the /wp-content/themes
- You are done!
3. Customization
You can modify much of the look&feel of this theme through the live theme customizer at Appearance → Customize.
If you need to add custom CSS and/or JavaScript, there is a plugin that you can install through Appearance → Bundled Plugins → Custom CSS/JS.
For further customizations you may need to create a child theme, or just edit the bundled sample child theme as updates won't change that theme. If you are not sure what is a "child" theme, please read this article:
4. Widget Areas
This theme has several sidebars or "widget areas", these are the places where you can add "widgets" to; either through Appearance → Widgets or through the theme customizer at Appearance → Customize → Widgets.
The names of these sidebars:
- Top
- Bottom
- Sidebar Left
- Sidebar Right
- A
- B
- C
- D
- E
- F
The widget areas named simply using letters (from A to F) would only appear when the bidding form is being viewed.
You can see their locations on this chart:

On the contact form:

When the "Bidding form type" (Customize → This Domain Is For Sale → Bidding form) is set to "Tabs" and not "Blocks" the A and F widget areas appear above and below the forms, while the B, C, D, and E only appear on the bidding form.
The order of their appearance on a phone or small tablet is the same, as you can see in these two charts.
This one is the "Make An Offer" tab:

This one is the "Contact Us" tab:

Without the "Tabs" option your widgets will appear in the same order:

On the portfolio page you have four sidebars, the Top, Bottom, Left, and the Right.
In later versions of the "This Domain Is For Sale" plugin we will be introducing a new feature allowing you to add advertisement widgets inside the portfolio.

5. Troubleshooting
- I can't see my domains and/or the bidding form on the front page.
Go to Settings → Reading and make sure that you have your front page set to "Latest posts".
- I have created some translation files but everything is still in English.
- Make sure you have named your translation files correctly.
- Make sure your translation files are in the correct directory. Either /wp-content/languages/themes or /wp-content/themes/CHILD_THEME_DIRECTORY/languages
- Remove your .mo file and recompile the .po (it will create a new .mo).
- I've added some fonts to my child theme but they are not loading on parked domains.
Add the following code to your .htaccess file:
<IfModule mod_headers.c> <FilesMatch ".(eot|otf|svg|ttf|woff|woff2)$"> Header set Access-Control-Allow-Origin "*" </FilesMatch> </IfModule>
- I can't see any logo in the list?
- Make you have enabled the inclusion of logos through Domain For Sale → Configuration → Portfolio.
- Clear the cache for all domains through Domain For Sale → Clear the cache for all domains.
- Check the configuration for each domain through Domain For Sale → Configuration → Customize → (find the domain name click "Edit" or "Add") → Logo, make sure there is an image file uploaded for them.
- I don't seem to be able to change anything in the domain list.
Clear the cache for all domains through Domain For Sale top menu.