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Looking For An Awesome Domain Name?
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This domain name is not available at the moment, if you are interested in it, please bookmark this page so you can come back and check it later on.
So you've created something beautiful :) and now fear that you may lose everything if you like close this window? IT IS NO PROBLEM! :)
No don't close the window yet... :) Copy this strange-looking code and save it somewhere, preferably in a text (.txt) file.
Once you had the theme installed, go to Appearance → Domain Theme → Import Customizations, just paste the code there and click the Import button to have the exact color scheme applied to your theme in no time! :) Yikes!
Start designing! You can save your colors and import them to your theme with a few clicks! :)
Start designing your beautiful site right away! :) Once you feel that you've fallen in love with this awesome theme, just click the save icon to download your work and apply it to your theme with one click after you've purchased and installed!