Ontmoet die "Domain" :) Die premie WP tema gemaak vir ons top-gegradeerde "This Domain Is For Sale" WP plugin! Nou kan jy jou eie mooi domein veiling landing bladsye skep met gemak! net 'n paar kliek! Neem 'n blik op die Live voorskou dadelik om opgewonde te raak!

  • Loving your Domain WP Theme and the associated plugin! It has honestly saved me a lot of money and so much time. It's very easy to set up and use, it works like a charm! Also your customer service and support is super responsive and helpful! Amazing product, fantastic support. HTMLPIE is a champion!!

Top redes waarom jy hierdie WP tema moet koop!

  • This Domain Is For Sale! ($79)
  • Advanced Contact Form! ($59)
  • 10,000+ Landing Pages Created So Far!
  • No Theme Lock!
  • 800+ Google Fonts Nuwe!
  • 30+ CSS3 Animations!Nuwe!
  • 15 Ready-made Color Schemes!Nuwe!
  • Sticky Headers
  • Hundreds Of Customizer Options!
  • Domain Logo & Website Icon Support
  • Drop-down Menu
  • GPDR Compliance
  • Retina-ready
  • Super Optimized Performance
  • Search Engine Optimization
  • Localization-ready
  • Child-Theme Support
  • Unobtrusive JavaScript
  • One-click Updates!
  • Well-documented
  • LTS (Long-term Support)
  • Fully Compatible With PHP 8.x
  • Fully Compatible With WP 5 & 6

Wat is 'n "theme lock"?

Jy is in 'n "theme lock" wanneer jy dalk jou inhoud verloor as jy oorskakel na 'n ander WP-tema. Ons het ons produk op 'n manier gemaak dat al die inhoudverwante funksies in die WP-kern is of op WP-invoegtoepassings gebaseer is. As gevolg hiervan sal jy nooit jou webwerf-inhoud verloor as jy ander WP-temas skakel nie.


  • Uitleg:Reageer
  • Hoë resolusie:Ja
  • Kolomme:5
  • Weergawe:1.6.7
  • Webblaaier:Al die groot webblaaiers
  • Help:Dokumentasie en
    24/7 Ondersteuning
  • Vereistes:PHP 5.6 of hoër, WP 4.x, 5.x, 6.X
  • Gradering:


    4.8/5 gebaseer op 120 graderings


Voorbeeld Websites

  • The Domain House


  • Holiday Names


  • SuperDomainNames


Ons is nie verantwoordelik of geaffilieer met hierdie webtuistes op enige manier nie.

Algemene vrae

Ek het reeds die "This Domain Is For Sale" plugin (en ek is mal daaroor!) is ek gaan om weer te betaal vir dit weer?!
Glad nie, onder wat jy kan vind die "Theme Only" aankoop knoppie wat $20 minder as die "Domain Bundle".
Dieselfde vraag as hierbo, maar oor die ongelooflike "Advanced WP Contact Form" plugin, moet ek dit weer koop?
Natuurlik nie, net koop die "Theme Only" pakket.
OK ek is lief vir hierdie tema! maar ek het 'n blog ek het geen domeine om te verkoop, wat moet ek doen?
Jy kan koop ons "Pen" WP tema of jy kan net gebruik hierdie produk, want dit is 'n standaard WP tema met domein veiling funksionaliteit bygevoeg bo-op dit, sodat jy kan hierdie tema gebruik vir jou blog of maatskappy webwerf met geen probleem.
Hoe voeg ek PayPal by?
Ons beveel nie PayPal vir domein verkope, jy moet beslis gebruik van 'n domein borg diens soos escrow.com - die meeste van kliënte gebruik wat ook.

Enige vrae?

Sluit aan by ons gelukkige kliënte!

  • Loving your Domain WP Theme and the associated plugin! It has honestly saved me a lot of money and so much time. It's very easy to set up and use, it works like a charm! Also your customer service and support is super responsive and helpful! Amazing product, fantastic support. HTMLPIE is a champion!!
  • Like we all do, I was trawling the internet to find a WP them to sell a large selection of Domain Names. After a long search, I came across HTMLPIE which seemed to tick all the boxes. I am always cynical about reviews, but all looked pretty good, so I took the plunge and purchased the HTMLPIE. Works great out of the box, but I had a few questions and tweaks to get it to work how I wanted as we have a lot of names. Well, no need to be cynical about reviews, every bit bang on, some of the best support I have ever come across from a developer, quick and thorough answers. With a touch of patience, you can achieve some great results with this theme, just in case anybody is interested, after all the help from HTMLPIE, this was the result: www.HolidayNames.com.
    Keep up the good work!
  • Buy anything they may sell now and in the future. What a great SERVICE. Many Thanks.
  • This plugin/theme rocks! The functionality rivals that of paid subscription services and the sales/parking pages of domain market companies. It’s great to have a domain marketplace that’s completely under your control, with all the power and flexibility of WP. The customization options are amazing – a bit overwhelming at first maybe but you can make it do anything you want. The results are gorgeous. Looks really good on phones and tablets too. Support is quick and always helpful. My highest recommendation.
  • I have limited WordPress skills, but I was able to set up the Domain Theme and Plugin. I depended a lot on the support team at HTMLPIE, who always helped me patiently. At first I was puzzled and overwhelmed by all the configuration options, but now I appreciate the richness they offer. Today, I am very satisfied with the result. I got not only a great solution to sell my domains, but also a lot of learning. You can few my latest efforts here: www.Dentrics.com. I sincerely endorse their product and support team. Thank you.

Ons pryse

'N wonderlik domein te koop sjabloon en
Die beste keuse wat jy het!

  • Domain Bundle

    Gebruik koepon kode Valentine by die kassa
    • $150 waarde van plugins
    • Eenmalige fooi
    • BTW sluit in
    • Geen verborge koste
    • Kits aflaai
    • Gratis installasie (op aanvraag)
    • Gratis opdaterings
    • Langtermyn ondersteuning
    • Veilige betaling
    Koop dadelik
  • Net die tema

    Gebruik koepon kode Valentine by die kassa
    • Dit sluit nie die invoegtoepassings in nie
    • Eenmalige fooi
    • BTW sluit in
    • Geen verborge koste
    • Kits aflaai
    • Gratis installasie (op aanvraag)
    • Gratis opdaterings
    • Langtermyn ondersteuning
    • Veilige betaling
    Koop dadelik