Procurando por um plugin de formulário de contato do WP? Que tal um plugin de formulário de contato versátil que é fácil instalação! compatível com todos os tipos de temas! protegido por CAPTCHA! e altamente personalizável? e uma grande biblioteca de estilos de CSS3 ready-made!? :)

  • 100% perfect. Couldn't ask for a better contact form, especially for the price, trust, and thanks!

Principais razões pelas quais você deve comprar este plugin WP!

  • 2 Minutes To Setup & Integrate
  • Works With Any Theme!
  • Unlimited Number Of Forms
  • Shortcode Support
  • Requires No Coding!
  • Huge Library Of ready-made Styles!
  • SiteOrigin Page Builder Compatible!
  • CSRF & XSS Protection
  • Anti-Spam Flood Protection
  • Image CAPTCHA
  • Hidden CAPTCHA (Honey Pot)
  • Riddle CAPTCHA
  • E-mail Address Blacklist
  • IP Address Blacklist
  • Customizable Form Field Labels
  • Customizable Submit Button Text
  • Customizable E-mail Subject & Body
  • Customizable Automatic Response
  • Customizable Subscription Notifications
  • Customizable Subscription Verification
  • Customizable Newsletter Field
  • GPDR Compliance
  • Fully Translatable Riddles (for The CAPTCHA)
  • Fully Compatible With WPML, Polylang etc.
  • PO File Available
  • Multiple Recipients, With CC & BCC Support!
  • File Attachments(plus Validation)
  • SMTP Authentication (with WP Built-in PHPMailer)
  • Per-form Configuration Customization
  • Plain Text & HTML E-mails Support
  • Optional Redirection On Success
  • Optional Last Name Requirement
  • Optional & Automatic Subscription
  • Subscription Notification
  • E-mail Address Verification
  • Subscription CSV Export (UTF-8 Compatible)
  • Web Accessibility Best Practices
  • Progressive Enhancement
  • Unobtrusive JavaScript\AJAX
  • Unobtrusive Client-side Validation
  • Mobile-friendly
  • Retina-ready Styles!
  • Minimum HTTP Requests
  • Optimized CSS, HTML, andJavaScript
  • Customizable "From:" E-mail Header
  • DMARC\ADSP Compliance(iPage, GoDaddy, etc)
  • LTS (Long-term Support)
  • Least 3rd-party Dependencies Possible
  • Semantic Structure
  • Automatic Updates
  • Cross-browser Support
  • And Really Much More ...

Este não é um construtor de formulários completo!

Antes de você ficar muito animado! :) Este não é um construtor de formulários all-in-one como o NinjaForms. Este plugin WP só cria formulários de contato; Portanto, você não pode adicionar campos de formulário extras. Se tudo que você precisa é de um formulário de contato, compre este produto e aproveite, porque este é um dos melhores plug-ins de formulários de contato disponíveis! :)

Em formação

  • Layout:Responsivo
  • Versão:1.3.5
  • Navegador da web:Todos os principais navegadores da Web
  • Socorro:Documentação e
    Suporte 24/7
  • Requisitos:PHP 5.6 ou superior, WP 4.x, 5.x, 6.X
  • Avaliação:


    4.85/5 baseado em 40 classificações


  • Meet the 1 minute contact form! Setup your first contact form in no time!
  • Style with ease! Create beautiful forms has never been easier! no coding required! just click to choose between a huge collection of ready-made styles!
  • Create totally different forms! Customize form configurations, styles, field labels, e-mail subjects and much! with just a few clicks!
  • Add multiple recipients! Create single or multiple recipients forms, translate recipient's name, add CC and/or BCC, and customize recipient dropdown label too!
  • Customize everything! Change form field labels, e-mails, notifications, and more! all with only a few clicks!
  • Create unlimited number of forms! With just one click you can create a form and configure it according to your needs in a jiffy!
  • Add contact forms where shortcodes are not welcome! Create unlimited number of widgets and add them to your site footer and/or sidebars!
  • Fully featured, showcasing the default styles.
  • This is still the previous form! but 2 seconds later! :) isn't it awesome!?
  • The same style tested on a light background.
  • Single recipient contact form! and that CAPTCHA over there is a rock-solid image CAPTCHA my friend! :)
  • Another example! Can you see that amazing fully translatable Riddle CAPTCHA! no add-on or extra plugin required at all!
  • This is even more interesting! as it is protected by a hidden (honey pot) CAPTCHA! plus a nice black style and flat style button!
  • Job aphplication form.
  • All black, with a carbon copy option.
  • Subscription form! basically a contact form with automatic subscription feature and e-mail address verification both enabled.
  • Simple minimalist contact form, showcasing a nice blue flat button; you may not tell but hidden CAPTCHA is protecting it ;)
  • Customize field labels, translate them, and more! all through your WP dashboard!
  • Stacked layout, riddle CAPTCHA, flat style button, custom field labels!
  • Another simple contact form with attachments, and Riddle CAPTCHA.
  • Obviously, such an awesome plugin must be mobile-friendly too!

Websites de Amostra

  • CarpetWorld

  • CGrace Productions

  • Dental Service Turkey

  • SINC Nations

  • Strategic Alignment

  • Whitney Drums

  • ShineTech

Não somos responsáveis nem somos afiliados a esses sites de nenhuma maneira.

Perguntas frequentes

Este produto tem algum recurso de prevenção de spam?
Sim, claro que faz, existem várias características que completamente efetivamente parar qualquer tipo de spam.
Posso usar o Google reCAPTCHA com este produto?
Não, e não recomendamos isso. Claro, existem dois métodos CAPTCHA que você pode usar, e eles são muito eficazes.
Posso adicionar campos de formulário personalizados?
Não, este não é um construtor de formulários all-in-one. Este plugin é adequado apenas para criar páginas "Entre em contato".
Como posso usar isso com o MailChimp?
Você deve exportar a assinatura em formato CSV e importá-la para sua conta MailChimp.
Eu tenho um site multilíngue. Eu tenho que criar um formulário por idioma?
Não, você pode usar o mesmo formulário para todos eles e traduzir esse formulário para esses idiomas.

Alguma pergunta?

Junte-se a nossos clientes felizes!

  • Quality of the plugin is perfect and the owner is really helpful
  • Good plugin, really fast support!
  • Most business say they provide customer support for their products. In general, such support is limited and like pulling teeth to obtain. That's not the case with the Contact Form product produced by HTMLPIE. I recently purchased this great plug-in and asked for assistance and/or clarification on about five different items. Each time I received a prompt and helpful response. I wish all businesses provided such support. I recommend this product and company without hesitation.
  • WP İletişi Formu gerçekten iyi tasarlanmış ve temiz kodlanmış. Ben eklentiden son derece memnunum. Eklenti, web sitem iletişim sayfasına profesyonel bir görünüm kazandırdı. Ayrıca teknik olarak her soruma verdiğiniz içten yanıt ve yardımlarınız için teşekkür ederim. İstanbul'dan sevgiler! :)
  • I'm not a developer and had trouble registering my plugin so I could update it. The team at HTMLPIE were fantastic. They gave me step-by-step directions and it worked perfectly! The interface to create the forms is a little difficult for me, but I was able to figure it out and am sure if I had issues, they'd be there to walk me through it. I've used so called, drag n drop form plug-ins, but this is my preference.
  • Très bon plug-in même si un peu complexe à prendre en main surtout pour les traduction, mais pas de panique le SAV est au top et épond très rapidement aux questions, je recommande à 100% !
  • 100% perfect. Couldn't ask for a better contact form, especially for the price, trust, and thanks!

Nossos preços